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Noah Britton (The Best Thing Ever, ROFLcopter) and Kate Ferencz (Suckling Pigs) phone it in from Boston, MA. Warning: Contains explicit and explicitly awesome content that some may find awesome or unsuitable for children. Band name changed to protect the innocent. Probably the best things ever to climb out of Boston's slimy afterbirth- and now the best things in NYC- this must have been what it was like to be knocked over by Beat Happening for the first time.

Nadav Carmel, BSR 06/01/2005


You Are A Loser
We Are Afraid Of The Same Things
Set Me On Fire
Nobody Hurts But You
Wesley Willis Song
Climbing On Things
No Joy Left
Faggot Festival
Brian Galderisi
I'm On Fire [Bruce Springsteen]


Noah on Myspace Kate on Myspace H.I.G. Records Kate on Phoning It In again Noah's old blog The Best Thing Ever on Wikipedia
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