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Matty Pop Chart & The Pharmacy Download mp3 | Stream mp3
Matt Tobey (also of Abe Froman, Mt. Gigantic, and Good Luck) and Scottie Yoder, Joey Seward, and Brendhan Bowers phone it in from Matt's mom's house in Lansing, MI, while on tour with Kimya Dawson. Matty Pop Chart rules, and the Pharmacy "live to get radical". Wonderful pop, and fuck everything else, this is punk rock, just easier to love.

Nadav Carmel, BSR 05/27/2005


Matty Pop Chart - Thailand Song
Matty Pop Chart - For Erin
Matty Pop Chart - Jimmy Jam
Matty Pop Chart - Jimmy Jam II
The Pharmacy - Overcast Summer
The Pharmacy - Fedex Planes
The Pharmacy - Sore Shins
The Pharmacy - Growing Old
Matty Pop Chart - Toy Piano


Bakery Outlet Records Friends and Relatives Records Matty Pop Chart at Plan-It-X Records The Pharmacy on MySpace The Pharmacy at Tic Tac Totally! Records The Pharmacy at Lucky Horse Industries The Pharmacy at Don't Stop Believin' Records Matty Pop Chart at CLLCT
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