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Drew Danburry & Southerly Download mp3 | Stream mp3
Unstoppable road warriors Drew Danburry and Krist Krueger phone it in from Provo, UT. Honesty is the best policy and these guys mean it. Lovely, intimate, fun, enthusiastic, and poignant tunes for friends, between friends.

Drew is also very tall, makes skateboard documentaries, and once I saw him play 'I Think We're Alone Now' with a broken foot, but that didn't stop him from running madly in place ("Running just as fast as we can/Holding on to one another's hand..."). Krist is a true DIY Renaissance man with his own truly unique voice and vision. A singer, a songwriter, a producer, arranger, recording engineer, label manager, and pro booking agent, dude does it all.

Be sure to catch them if you can!

Nadav Carmel, BSR 05/20/2005


Drew Danburry - Red Rock Virgin's Encounter With Winter Nights
Southerly - Naomi Ruth
Drew Danburry - If I Could Have A Super Hero Power, I'd Be A Good Listener Because Everyone I've Ever Dated Says I Don't Listen Well
Southerly - Vanishing
Drew Danburry - Know Your History Before You Become Part Of The Repetition

Links Drew on MySpace Drew on YouTube Drew's blog Drew at Mother Clucker Records Southerly on MySpace Southerly at Fall Records Southerly at Greyday Records
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