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David "Moose" Adams, Patrick "Ostry" Okerson, Benny "Bood" Sanders, and Lisa "Tabbouleh" Berlin phone it in from Indianapolis, IN. Us here at Phoning It In are big fans of all things junkyard- junkyard gospel, junkyard soul, in the case of Jookabox- but I didn't expect the whole junkyard gang. Originally a solo project, Jookabox has of late expanded into a four-piece, all of whom crammed into a hallway to make the call. Ranting tales of Midwestern urban decay set to catchy-as-hell electro-folk-pop-hip-hop beats. You know we love it.

Nadav Carmel, KDVS 10/12/2009


The One Thing
East Side Bangs/East Side Fade
You Cried Me
The Girl Ain't Preggers
Gonna Need the Guns/Doom Hope


Jookabox at Asthmatic Kitty Records Jookabox at Joyful Noise Recordings Jookabox on MySpace
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